Trusting each other despite the crisis

Shaping the future together - today

In the face of the health crisis, as in other crises, the companies that will disappear or fail to recover are those that think that :

  • the teams on the ground are exaggerating, that the situation is not so desperate
  • those who complain are too fragile, not brave enough, not competent enough
  • if they keep moaning and complaining, they'll be replaced by better people.

The reality is quite different. It's the teams on the ground that make companies, administrations, NGOs and hospitals successful. In times of crisis, these teams especially need :

  • To be respected, listened to and recognised,
  • to understand the meaning of the decisions taken
  • learn how to better manage their stress, emotions and inner doubts,
  • to know how to manage their workload, unforeseen events and new constraints.

It is together that an organisation can manage a crisis, not by spreading itself too thin, by mistrusting others, by imagining that others are not up to the job.

If you feel that mistrust is growing between teams, between management and the field; if you perceive an increasingly heavy mental burden, we can help you.

To do this, we offer you, "starting today":

  • a rapid diagnosis - to identify the causes of the loss of trust and the breakdown between the different levels of your organisation.
  • strategic thinking to define how to revive a shared dynamic.
  • a mobilising and unifying action plan capable of restoring meaning, hope and pride to your managers and employees.
  • action on the ground to create a new shared dynamic; training and coaching to restore confidence and learn how to better manage tension and physical and mental stress (via a seminar, workshop or webinar).


If you are faced with an emergency situation, we can take immediate action to calm things down and recreate dialogue via :

- Executive, leader/manager and project manager coaching

- Team supervision, Intervision, Mediation

- Self Leadership, coaching and training 

- Laughter yoga, meditation, mindfulness

- Wellness activities - indoor and outdoor

- Workshops on resilience, adaptive intelligence, etc.

To find out what you need today, contact us.