Attracting and retaining staff despite the crisis

Attract talent by strengthening employee loyalty

Attracting talent that doesn't stay with you long enough is a waste of time, energy and money. What's more, it demotivates your teams. In times of crisis, the shortage of talent forces you to find other ways of attracting and, above all, retaining your best employees. If they are proud to work for your company, they will want to talk about it to their friends and family, their networks and their friends. They will become your best ambassadors. To attract new recruits, there's nothing like the sincere words of the teams who work there.
As ambassadors, they will quickly become your first line of recruitment. They'll be the envy of your competitors, making you more attractive than they are.


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Why don't your employees naturally behave like ambassadors?
There are many reasons, and they vary from one organisation to another. Here are the most common:

1. Your employees do not see a noble, meaningful raison d'être in your company's objectives and purpose.
2. They feel they are being exploited, not recognised for their real added value.
3. Their working environment does not give them enough autonomy or decision-making power; they feel controlled and infantilised.
4. Management is out of touch with the realities on the ground, and doesn't speak the same language as them.
5 . Their hierarchy does not take into account their motivations, personalities, specificities or real skills.
6. The culture encourages internal competition rather than cooperation and solidarity.
7 . Creativity is reserved for an elite; for the others, conforming to internal rules and constraints is the most important thing.
8. Some of your employees would like to be ambassadors for their company, but they don't dare or don't know how.

Giving bonuses and pay rises is not the way to solve these problems. If new recruits come only for the money, you won't be able to retain them or motivate them over the long term. Your company won't be important to them. It will be them first. Which means little personal commitment, little initiative and little loyalty.

Based on their experience in HRM, Management and Change Management since 2004, the Next Management teams have developed a series of services, methods and tools to help companies experiencing these difficulties.

Our aim is to take care of everything. We're not going to add to your workload. Successive crises have exhausted you, and there's a good chance you're understaffed. We will act on your behalf, under your guidance and control. Our interventions should take as little time as possible and bring you a rapid return on your investment.


tous ambassadeurs

Depending on your needs, we can act at different levels:
1. Analyse and improve your tools and methods for recruiting, developing and retaining employees.
2. Analysing and updating your management culture to strengthen the autonomy, motivation and performance of your teams.
3. Analyse and revitalise your internal and external communications to connect your customers and employees with your raison d'être.
4. Transform your employees into ambassadors capable of recruiting talent from their networks.

If your employees become your first ambassadors, they will be :

  • Proud to work for your company,

  • willing to contribute through their work in a more efficient way, to share their ideas, to help improve processes, to create a working climate where both well-being and safety have a real place

  • able to inspire others to join them, they will be your best recruiters.

If you would like to discuss this further and assess the relevance and profitability of our methods and services, please contact one of our specialists directly via .